Jan 5, 2024 4:00 PM

An ad in a Haredi magazine in Rockland County urged women not to wear their wigs for three days so as to “awaken divine mercy” and for God to protect the Jewish people during these turbulent times.
Most married Haredi women wear wigs, as a woman wearing her natural hair uncovered is deemed immodest. Most Hasidic women also shave their heads after marriage. The new campaign urges women to replace their wigs with a different head covering and “proudly look like Jewish Queens.”
The ad is unsigned, but it lists a phone number to a recorded message about making a short term sacrifice to please God. The recorded message says the campaign is in accordance with rabbinic calls for women to increase their modesty.

Following the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, the issue of women’s modesty has come up often in Haredi media, suggesting the attacks were caused by women's inadequate adherence to modesty laws and customs.
Just last week, an ad in a different Haredi magazine called on shops to stop selling immodest clothing and wigs, comparing it to a kosher butcher shop selling treif, or non-kosher, meat. The ad was unsigned but said it was placed in memory of the Oct. 7 victims.