Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi is a journalist whose work has appeared in The Forward, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, New York Jewish Week, WNYC/Gothamist and more. She graduated from CUNY Hunter College with degrees in history and English literature. Hailing from an Iranian Jewish community on Long Island, she looks forward to shining a light on stories that matter to the Jewish community. Follow her on Twitter @lauren_hakimi.

Articles by 

Lauren Hakimi


‘Could’ve killed someone’: New details emerge in arrest of Lakewood philanthropist Moshe Tress

Using his property as a private shooting range, the Haredi donor and activist shocked neighbors after a bullet from his gun hit an area where a child had been playing


Tragedy in New Square: 8-year-old fatally struck by school bus

The Town of Ramapo police is investigating the death, and the school bus driver is cooperating with investigators


Agudath Israel applauds US suspension of funding to UN agency for Palestinians

The US suspended funding to the agency after Israeli authorities alleged that some UNRWA employees were involved in the planning of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack


Incompetent teachers and confused students at Hasidic yeshivas, new DOE documents show

Newly released documents from the NYC education department show troubling patterns at Hasidic yeshivas, including possibly fraudulent classes staged for DOE officials


Jacob Daskal’s victim files suit, naming Shomrim and Bobover rebbe among co-defendants

The complaint alleges that Bobov community leaders, Boro Park Shomrim, and Jacob Daskal’s family worked together to silence victim Rivka Mandel, “creating and maintaining a regime of terror and intimidation”


Chabad rabbi Shmuel Gancz delivers invocation at New York State Senate

Gancz, who is the director of Chabad of Suffern, was invited by state senator Bill Weber, and reminded legislators of their duty to fight hatred and antisemitism


Vizhnitz Hasidim in the Catskills vote to approve new village of Ateres

The proposed village is centered around the Vizhnitz yeshiva, which had taken over the old Gibber Hotel opposite Kiamesha Lake and has grown into a community of over 800


‘Where’s our presence in the streets?’ Mayor Adams tells yeshiva leaders to get outraged

“You’re making a big mistake,” the mayor told an audience at Agudah’s annual “Yeshiva Summit,” adding, “I am not going to be a silent friend”


Federal lawsuit claims Catskills town discriminated against Hasidic developers

After a property was sold to Hasidic developers, the town suddenly created unusual procedural hurdles, allegedly fearing an influx of Hasidic residents


Shocking tragedy in Borough Park after couple killed inside their home, son arrested

Neighbors described the victims, Jacob and Rachel Sperber, as “special people,” and expressed shock at the incident in this tight-knit Haredi neighborhood with one of the lowest violent crime rates in New York City


Councilmember Kalman Yeger loses chair on Ethics and Standards Committee

“It’s good to change things, it’s good to reorganize, it’s good to get new energy behind different desks,” Council Speaker Adrienne Adams said


Judge finds Monsey stabbing suspect still unfit to stand trial

Grafton Thomas, who is accused of attacking five Hasidic men with a machete, had been charged with second-degree murder and committing a federal hate crime