Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi is a journalist whose work has appeared in The Forward, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, New York Jewish Week, WNYC/Gothamist and more. She graduated from CUNY Hunter College with degrees in history and English literature. Hailing from an Iranian Jewish community on Long Island, she looks forward to shining a light on stories that matter to the Jewish community. Follow her on Twitter @lauren_hakimi.

Articles by 

Lauren Hakimi


Controversial rabbi launches campaign to ‘rescue’ women from ‘indignities’ of Israeli military service

Rabbi Noson Leiter, who endorsed an Alabama politician mired in sexual misconduct allegations, is calling to “save our daughters” from military service


The tunnel mayhem at 770 was bizarre. Some of the reactions were even more so

From the antisemitic to the earnest to the comedic, it was a field day for all — including, apparently, those who got arrested


Hochul proposes expanding list of hate crime offenses following sharp rise in antisemitism after Oct. 7

All forms of first-degree rape, gang assault, graffiti, arson, and more will now be eligible for prosecution as hate crimes


Menachem Daum, filmmaker who built bridges between religious Jews and non-Jews, dies at 77

During his final months, Daum, known for his films “A Life Apart” and “Hiding and Seeking,” intensified what he called his “anti-anti-goyim crusade”


State finds another 12 Hasidic schools offer inadequate secular education

The state told the schools to submit timelines within 60 days on how they intend to make progress on reaching substantial equivalency

Haredi Life

Shaindy Bilgrei, a popular Haredi relationship and intimacy counselor, comes under harsh rabbinic ban

Described by some women as having “changed their lives,” Bilgrei’s lectures have now been labeled “crooked guidance from impure sources” by rabbis across the Haredi spectrum


Williamsburg sex offender accused of assaulting Monsey teenager, boasts of luring boys to mikvahs

While on probation for previous sex crimes, Joseph Grunwald was arrested by the FBI for allegedly grooming, assaulting, and threatening a 14-year-old, after boasting of having access to mikvahs, school buses, and dormitories


Gov. Hochul signs bills raising population requirement for new villages — except for Vizhnitz’s Ateres

For decades, any group of 500 people could incorporate a new village, but the requirement has now been raised to 1,500 — nixing plans for the proposed village of Seven Springs near Kiryas Joel


Hasidic influencer Shloime Zionce gets both hate and cheers for promoting Jewish pride with a fighting spirit

Wearing a sweater showing an arm wrapped in tefillin and a raised fist, the self-described bridge-builder promoted his new line of clothes, with images of Jewish ritual objects fused with militaristic themes


YY Jacobson on Neturei Karta: ‘I doubt they’re really Jewish,’ claims they are agents of Iran

The popular Chabad rabbi said members of the anti-Israel group are “very sick people” and their actions “like marching with Hitler”

Haredi Life

First, he converted to Judaism. Then, he returned to Christianity. The Haredi reaction to Satchel Bloyd’s story wasn’t pretty

Satchel, Yechiel, Bartimaeus: he went by different names, but former friends said his embrace of Hasidism was genuine — as long as it lasted