Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi is a journalist whose work has appeared in The Forward, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, New York Jewish Week, WNYC/Gothamist and more. She graduated from CUNY Hunter College with degrees in history and English literature. Hailing from an Iranian Jewish community on Long Island, she looks forward to shining a light on stories that matter to the Jewish community. Follow her on Twitter @lauren_hakimi.

Articles by 

Lauren Hakimi


‘We will not respond’: Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum urges Haredi schools to ignore the state education department

In instructions to all schools affiliated with the Aaronite Satmar faction, Teitelbaum ordered officials to defy education department demands by simply ignoring them


Rare split exposed within Agudah leadership in lead up to pro-Israel DC rally

Despite initial support by some, six of Agudah’s 13 rabbinic advisors ultimately opposed the rally for its overtly secular atmosphere and failing to accommodate Haredi sensibilities


Hasidic musicians face controversy over pro-Israel messages and appearances

Singers Motty Ilowitz and Berry Weber appear to draw criticism after a pro-Israel video poem and a DC rally prayer service


Amid rising Haredi sympathy for Israel, Satmar rabbis issue harsh media guidelines for war coverage

In a strident stance against Zionism, leading Satmar rabbis issued strict guidelines to Haredi news media, warning against showing support for Israel or the IDF


‘The Shidduch Crisis’: New film explores one Haredi woman’s dating struggles

“Just one date,” the matchmaker tells the film’s protagonist. “If it’s good, it’s good. If it isn’t, you go again!”


Orthodox residents of Rockland gather with congressman Mike Lawler in show of support for Israel

A spirited group of several hundred waved US and Israeli flags, prayed, sang, and chanted slogans at a rally followed by a town hall meeting


Women file lawsuit against Borough Park doctor, alleging years of sexual assault

“Speaking up about my experience has been difficult,” Malky Wigder said, “but my hope is that it helps empower others to come forward.”


Haredi children’s magazine blurs image of Nikki Haley

Five presidential hopefuls are shown on the debate stage — but the only woman in the photo is blurred


Large numbers of Haredim join thousands of all stripes at DC rally to support Israel

Bus caravans arrived from Brooklyn, NY, and Lakewood, NJ, but some Haredim stayed away — with one rabbi calling the rally "anti-productive"


In historic shift, large groups of Haredim expected at pro-Israel rally in DC on Tuesday

Agudath Israel and Chabad-Lubavitch organizations in Crown Heights have thrown their support behind the event


Roundup: NYC to reduce fraud in special education services, Mayor Adams mourns death of former Shmira leader, and other news

Shtetl News Roundup: The biggest news in the Haredi world this week, besides Tuesday’s election