Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi
Lauren Hakimi is a journalist whose work has appeared in The Forward, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, New York Jewish Week, WNYC/Gothamist and more. She graduated from CUNY Hunter College with degrees in history and English literature. Hailing from an Iranian Jewish community on Long Island, she looks forward to shining a light on stories that matter to the Jewish community. Follow her on Twitter @lauren_hakimi.

Articles by 

Lauren Hakimi


Sex strike for agunah stirs controversy, elicits disapproval from prominent rabbi Hershel Schachter

While some have voiced support, various Orthodox figures have called the sex strike a “terribly destructive idea” and “morally wrong”


Monticello mayor targets Haredi political operative in sting operation, feigning a quid pro quo solicitation

Working with the Sullivan County DA, Monticello mayor George Nikolados demanded Yermia Solomon deliver Haredi votes in exchange for a police job


Key witness in kidnapping case describes horrors of Lev Tahor life

Shimon Malka, 24, fled the group in 2018, but later assisted in a kidnapping scheme organized by Lev Tahor leaders


Satmar activist fears “ostracization” after taking dispute with brother to secular court

In a letter to the judge, Joel Friedman wrote that his children’s expulsion from school is “imminent,” unless the court intervenes


Satmar rebbe honors notorious sex abuser with a visit to daughter’s wedding

At the wedding of Nechemya Weberman’s daughter, Satmar rebbe Zalmen Teitelbaum was an honored guest. Many Satmar Hasidim still believe the convicted rapist is innocent


Airmont residents, including some Haredim, complain about illegal yeshiva

Neighbors accused the yeshiva of violating zoning laws and said its leader has been harassing area residents


‘For Women and Girls Only’: new book explores Haredi women artists and performers

Author Jessica Roda charts a trend in which Haredi women's art and creativity has transcended schools and summer camps


Kiryas Joel school to pay $300,000 fine for admitting unvaccinated students

After facing possible fines in tens of millions of dollars, school officials reached an agreement with the DOH by promising increased cooperation


For a fee, a new institute will offer rabbinic workplace consulting and a compliance certificate

Business owners who subscribe to the Avoda Kahalacha service will receive a “Certificate of Responsibility” to demonstrate compliance with the strictest modesty guidelines


Bitter feud between politically-connected Satmar brothers devolves into public legal contest

Joel and Abraham Friedman, both prominent community liaisons and chaplains to law enforcement, are now in court trading accusations of “defamation” and “jealousy”


Fact-check: ‘Der Blatt’ publishes fake letter from state police about lights and sirens

The fraudulent document, which had circulated on social media, claimed to be about an “enforcement initiative” from the New York State Police


Kiryas Joel school could be fined up to $61 million due to unvaccinated students

The school allowed 121 students to attend school unvaccinated for nearly a year, carrying a maximum penalty of $2,000 per student per day