Agudath Israel


Roundup: Skverer rebbe to visit Poland, Shmira expands, and other Haredi news

The most notable Haredi news from the last two weeks


Lakewood philanthropist Moshe Tress arrested for illegally shooting an AR-15 assault rifle

Tress fired the high-powered, semi-automatic weapon near a busy county road, “recklessly” creating “a risk of widespread injury,” according to the arrest warrant


Rare split exposed within Agudah leadership in lead up to pro-Israel DC rally

Despite initial support by some, six of Agudah’s 13 rabbinic advisors ultimately opposed the rally for its overtly secular atmosphere and failing to accommodate Haredi sensibilities


Large numbers of Haredim join thousands of all stripes at DC rally to support Israel

Bus caravans arrived from Brooklyn, NY, and Lakewood, NJ, but some Haredim stayed away — with one rabbi calling the rally "anti-productive"


In historic shift, large groups of Haredim expected at pro-Israel rally in DC on Tuesday

Agudath Israel and Chabad-Lubavitch organizations in Crown Heights have thrown their support behind the event


State attorney general appeals ruling previously celebrated by Haredi leaders

State to court: a failing yeshiva “cannot be deemed to satisfy the requirements of the Education Law,” and state should be allowed to impose penalties and withhold funding


Here’s what Haredi leaders in New York are saying about the attacks in Israel

The statements speak to Haredi Jews’ varying relationships with the Jewish state


Director of NJ Agudah offices to run for state assembly seat

Rabbi Avi Schnall will run as a Democrat in the heavily-Republican 30th district that includes Lakewood


Agudath Israel raises $10 million in 48 hours

Campaign touts Agudah’s yeshiva advocacy, launched on anniversary of NYT investigation of Haredi schools


This Haredi organization is cheering a court ruling in favor of a Catholic school

Court ruling that religious tenets trump discrimination laws will shield Haredi schools


Agudah to the Pulitzers: No award for NYTimes Hasidic yeshiva stories

Advocacy group argues that the explosive investigation is not worthy of the prestigious prize