New Jersey

Haredi Life

Year end reflections on Shtetl’s first ten months of reporting: the top issues of 2023

With the intimate familiarity of insiders but free from the usual top-down oversight of Haredi media, we reported on everything from the Satmar rebbe's bragging about deceiving legislators to Agudah's efforts to keep the Times from winning a Pulitzer


Satmar community touts 24,000 students in flagship school systems, highlighting rapid growth and its broader impact

Figures align with broader estimates of Haredi growth rates, which have resulted in a global population of 2.1 million, approximately one-third of which live in the NYC metro region


Lakewood philanthropist Moshe Tress arrested for illegally shooting an AR-15 assault rifle

Tress fired the high-powered, semi-automatic weapon near a busy county road, “recklessly” creating “a risk of widespread injury,” according to the arrest warrant