

For Haredim who love football, a Torah alternative to the Super Bowl halftime show

For those Haredim who can’t resist the Super Bowl, “Halftime for Torah” offers an alternative to the celebrity pop music halftime show with Haredi A-listers of its own

Haredi Life

Year end reflections on Shtetl’s first ten months of reporting: the top issues of 2023

With the intimate familiarity of insiders but free from the usual top-down oversight of Haredi media, we reported on everything from the Satmar rebbe's bragging about deceiving legislators to Agudah's efforts to keep the Times from winning a Pulitzer


Monsey rabbis launch firefighting organization after local fire department rejects rabbinic oversight

Fire safety officials are concerned about inadequate training of the organization’s volunteers, and that residents might call them instead of 911


UJA-Federation of New York to fund Shomrim, controversial Haredi safety patrols

Two recipients, Boro Park Shomrim and Williamsburg Shomrim, have been criticized for vigilantism, corruption, and abuse cover-up


Agudath Israel raises $10 million in 48 hours

Campaign touts Agudah’s yeshiva advocacy, launched on anniversary of NYT investigation of Haredi schools


Footsteps cuts ties with Freidom, citing “lack of safety”

The two organizations offer support to people leaving the Haredi lifestyle


Two more reps of Orthodox organizations will join Mayor’s Jewish Advisory Council

Mayor's spokesperson now says anyone can apply to join the council


Nonprofit apologizes after calling photos in woman’s cookbook inappropriate

The book is by Chanie Apfelbaum, an author from Crown Heights