In the latest installment in its ongoing “KnowUs” campaign, Agudah’s ads over Times Square and several New York City highways say yeshivas won’t teach boys to “hate America”
The US suspended funding to the agency after Israeli authorities alleged that some UNRWA employees were involved in the planning of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack
Rabbi Noson Leiter, who endorsed an Alabama politician mired in sexual misconduct allegations, is calling to “save our daughters” from military service
Wearing a sweater showing an arm wrapped in tefillin and a raised fist, the self-described bridge-builder promoted his new line of clothes, with images of Jewish ritual objects fused with militaristic themes
The initiative, “KnowUs Take 2,” links a broad range of different themes: news coverage of yeshivas, criticism of Israel, violent assaults on Haredim, and pro-Palestine demonstrations
Several congressmen with Haredi constituents opposed a GOP-sponsored resolution that declares all expressions of anti-Zionism to be antisemitic, noting that many Haredim are themselves anti-Zionist